Thank you once again to everyone in the local community for your support of Energy Save New West this year. We’re excited to highlight our 2024 program achievements and share new initiatives that we’ll be focused on to continue growing Energy Save New West in the coming year.
Building on this years milestones, we’re excited for the opportunity to continue to provide program solutions and new support in 2025, including:
- Multi-Unit Residential Building (MURB) program support through BC’s Retrofit Accelerator Program that provides energy efficiency and decarbonization support for Strata and Rentalbuilding in collaboration with ZEIC, Landlord BC, FRESCo, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, BC Hydro, and CleanBC.
- The Stride Pilot to test new technology from Properate, simplifying the in-home energy evaluation process.
- The Embodied Carbon Analysis Pilot for Part 9 builders and designers focused on reducing embodied carbon emissions.
- Spring and Fall 2025 Builder & Designer Breakfast event to support green building capacity.
- Empower Me program extension to continue providing support to underserved communities.
Please stay tuned to Energy Save New West’s website and e-newsletter for the latest program news and offers.

Total participants in Existing Homes
program with 101 new additions in 2024.

e-News subscribers and
12 monthly newsletters issued.
The paticipants who completed post-upgrade energy
evaluations in 2024 achieved an average of:

Energy Savings

GHG Emissions Reductions

Municipal Heat Pump and Electrical Service Top-Ups issued (January to September) with 148 Rebates issued to date.
In April 2024, the City increased the top-up amount for all-electric central heat pumps
to $2,000, and introduced a NEW $500 electrical service upgrade top-up.
These top-ups result in:
An Estimated Energy Savings of

With a GHG Emission Reduction of

Increased Awareness
Promoting program updates and latest incentives from BC Hydro, FortisBC, Province of BC’s Clean BC Better Homes and federal government’s Greener Homes Loan to homeowners looking to access rebates and financial support for home energy upgrades.

Multi-language workshops hosted by Empower Me
to support equity and inclusion of hard-to-reach communities in New Westminster. In 2024, approximately 300 participants attended the Empower Me energy-efficiency and electric vehicle (EV) workshops. Empower Me also attended 3 New Westminster community events and provided local multi-cultural communities with Summer Heat Preparedness information.
2 New West participants in FortisBC’s Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot and completed their energy upgrade project. Both participants completed comprehensive building envelope and mechanical HVAC upgrades that achieved excellent results:

Whole Home Retrofit Webinar hosted by the City and CleanBC Better Homes to share best practices with home upgrades and how to work with your contractors to achieve maximum energy efficiency and carbon reduction with your renovation investment.

Total participants in High Performance New Homes program to date

e-News subscribers and
12 monthly newsletters issued.

In 2024, we had our most recent new home project at 902 Burnaby Street achieved Energy Step Code Level 5 designation.

High performance new homes completed construction in 2023.

Better energy performance achieved new homes built in New West compared to code-built homes.

Average GHG Reduction

Better Airtightness
(avg. 2.13 ACH @50 Pa) versus industry average

Total renewable energy generated to date by the Urban Solar Garden solar arrays located at the Queensborough Community Centre & City Public Works Yard.

Residents participated in the BC Hydro Direct Installation program receiving free portable air conditioning between January 1st, 2024 and July 31st, 2024.

Zero Carbon Step Code
City endorsed amendments to the Building Bylaws to include Zero Carbon Step Code and set a timeline to reach the highest steps of the BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code by 2027.

Smart Thermostat
Mysa campaign launched in December 2024 with new Mysa lite technology.

New Heat Pump Resources Available
New infosheets to support local residents with quality heat pump upgrades are now available: Central Ducted Heat Pump, Ducted Heat Pump, Homeowner Checklist for Heat Pumps, and Heat Pump Location and Noise Guide.

Increased Awareness
Promotion of City’s Summer Heat Preparedness information, programs, and incentives for air conditioning to local residents.

Website Updates
Be sure to explore our newly added FAQ page, along with a redesigned main page and resource section!

2024 Scorecard Ranking
British Columbia ranked first overall again for energy efficiency programs and policies from Efficiency Canada. Energy Save New is proud to be contributing to BC’s national success.