We’d like to thank you all who attended our Spring Builder and Designer Breakfast event!  

On Wednesday June 27th, in collaboration with the City of Richmond, the City of New Westminster and Energy Save New West hosted the 2024 Spring Builder & Designer Breakfast. We were delighted to have over 100 builders, designers and architects join us for this virtual event. We hope everyone enjoyed the presentations on the CSA SPE-17 HVAC Guide for Part 9 Homes and Air-to-Water Heat Pump as well as municipality updates and discussions.

For those who missed the 2024 Spring Virtual Builder & Designer Breakfast, copies of the presentations are available through the following links. You can also visit New West’s YouTube channel to watch the event recording:

Please stay tuned to Energy Save New West’s e-newsletter for announcements regarding the upcoming Builder & Designer Breakfast event in Fall. If you have any ideas or topics of interest that you’d like to see at future events, please don’t hesitate to email us or call 604-515-3818 to share your thoughts.